When I teach at a Yoga studio, I typically start my class with a question to my students if anyone is in pain or unable to move on the back, side and belly. In most cases the response is that everything is fine, no aches or pains. Surprisingly – for my students -, once we start the Somatic practice which is considerably slow paced, I see shakiness and jerkiness in the movements. I notice the proprioception – the awareness of the body in space – being off and limited mobility and range of motion in certain movements. These are early signs of SMA or Sensory Motor Amnesia. This is a terminology Thomas Louis Hanna - Wikipedia coined when he created Somatics.
Once we lose voluntary control of our movements (SMA), tension patterns may form diminishing our ability to move freely. Aches and pains and injuries are unfortunately a consequence over time.
Somatics teaches you the skills you need to continue to move with ease and maintain your range of motion and mobility. Think of it as a pain prevention program. Just like brushing your teeth prevents cavities, Somatics prevents you from becoming stiff and achy.